Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Blogging from Japan. It's been about two years since the last time I was here. The plan was to go into Tokyo area and shop and maybe meet a few of my friends along the way, but I found that I had absolutely no energy after my first flight as a flight attendant. The experience was bittersweet. I miss everyone in training, but I love the crew that I was able to work my first flight with. I gained a lot of experience through my mistakes this first flight, and I can only hope that by the next few flights this month I'll be able to get used to the job. Right now I'm laying down in my hotel room watching Japanese tv. I can't believe that 8 of the 10 channels provided are covering the US election. Which means I'm watching Japanese versions of qvc home shopping all day. I went to the airport this morning to exchange money and I'm so broke its not even funny. The exchange rate isn't nearly as bad as last time (literally cried at the rate) but I'm still hesitant to buy stuff. Wasn't feeling too hungry for a full meal so the first meal I had in Japan was McDonald's. Yup. Mcdiddies can never go wrong. What I really wanted was the teriyaki burger since my friends rave about how delicious it is, but alas. I was too early so I got a breakfast item. Still good for only 100 yen. After some exploring at UNIQLO (HEAT TECH!!) I ran into someone I met during training in Atlanta. Crazy, right? Anyway, I'm back in my room waiting for a friend so we can go to Aeon to go shopping and possibly a movie..yup. Obama & Romney full coverage still on every channel. There is no hope. 
As for Hawaii, I'm both excited yet terrified of the fact that I will be living away from my comfort zone of Los Angeles. Cost of living is a bitch in Waikiki, but I had to get a place somewhere. Pictures are on the way soon. As soon as I get back to paradise. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Hello Blog. Long time no see. I'm terribly sorry for the lack of posts but as my previous post said, I was busy in Atlanta for two months for FA training.I'm happy to say that I have successfully graduated from training, and in a few hours, I will be on a plane on my way to Honolulu. Wait. Let me say that again. In a few hours, I will be on my way to Honolulu. TO MOVE THERE. Funny how just a few months ago, I had made a post about wanting to travel to Hawaii again after I graduate. And here I am, ready to move there just a few months later. I will try to get back to my regular blogging schedule as soon as I get situated somewhere. I'm also excited for my first trip that is coming up in a few days. I'll be flying to Tokyo with quite a long layover! I can't wait to go back to Japan and meet my friends. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


yup. thass where i've been for the past few weeks last time I checked. I came here thinking it was gonna be difficult, but MAN. Its beyond that. A fellow trainee friend of mine compared it to boot camp last week. 6 days of the week. morning past dusk. Lectures all day and then practicing hands on in mock ups, followed by studying for hours every night for the test the following morning. This is my life. Can you see now, why I have not been able to update as I wished? The other day my mom sent me a package with some extra clothes and food, and included in the package was a small bottle of sunblock. YES mom. I REALLY DO NEED PROTECTION FROM THE SUN. especially since I haven't seen actual sunlight for the past 2 weeks. 

will update..well. you know. when I'm 'FREE'

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Yes. These photos are all I took at the 2NE1 concert that was weeks ago that I had free tickets to (YEYUH). I have been neglecting this blog. Again. But to be fair, I have been extremely busy saying my last goodbyes with friends and preparing for my flight attendant training. I am writing this post in my dorm room at the training center. After a long flight, I'm finally here in an unfamiliar state for the next seven weeks for FA training (aka boot camp). I hope I'll still be able to update about my stay here before I get swamped with studying city codes :) Now off to bed! Will be waking up bright and early tomorrow morning for orientation....followed by a yellow fever shot. YIKES

Sunday, August 26, 2012

How-To Guide To Not Get Rid Of A Body

Today was the last day of Gallery 1988's  'The Breaking Bad Art Project' on Melrose. I'm always in Melrose to hit up Wasteland and never saw this place before, and I'm real glad that we decided to check it out. My cousin being a huge fan of the show was so excited to see what the gallery had put up. I never had the time to finish the show past season 2, so I had him explain to me the significance/backstory behind each photo. By the end, I was itching to buy my cousin one of those 'DANGER' yellow stickers with Walt's head in place of a skull for my cousin's new dorm room. As usual, a photo dump, for those who didn't get a chance to see for yourself.

Monday, August 13, 2012

to HELL and back

Went to what seemed liked straight hell this past weekend to work on a car commercial with So. This has got to have been the worst experience I've had working as a PA thus far. To give the cliff-notes version of what happened, the shoot was plagued with 100 degree weather (which was surprisingly not the worst part), was unorganized, a small uprising/mutiny occured against the MAN, and to top it off, a flash flood. If there is a god, cheers. The heavens opened up a black storm of lightning and rain. The shoot was postponed and we began the long journey home yesterday. I guess the only good thing about this journey would have to be meeting the other PAs. The dinner on the last night of Hell was the only time I felt I could actually breathe and I felt my sanity come back to me. 
I think its a safe bet to say that I probably wont work for a while. Which means, I probably won't be working on KPOP Star s.2 auditions. Which might be a good thing, seeing as I need to study for FA training in Atlanta for next month. 

Pictures are from my Instagram : arumee90
Dumping 4 Travel packs of Starbucks coffee in the drain.
On location in the morning
My shoes were DONE after the shoot
A representation of how hot this summer was. 
So. what she looks like when she sleeps
The car and the BMW's(one of which I drove) in the background

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Warby Parker

Since the 2nd grade, I've had numerous pairs of glasses ranging in all styles and colors. Its been a while since I had the ones that are currently sitting on my face, so I thought it was time for me to go on the hunt for a new pair. I updated my prescription (YIKES. My eyesight has gotten worse)and for the past few weeks, I've been on the hunt for a new pair of frames that fit to my liking. In comes Warby Parker. I found them randomly online and it is seriously the next best thing since sliced bread. The company specializes in vintage eyewear and also sunglasses. What is so cool and unique about this company is that they have a home try-on program where you get to pick 5 pairs of glasses and they will ship it to you for free so that you could try them out for yourself in the comfort of your home. FOR 5 WHOLE DAYS. I ordered my five free pairs, and two days later, these beauties were sitting at my doorstep. I tried them on and I found one pair that I liked that fit my face shape. So, its time to ship these babies back to Warby Parker, and I will be ordering a pair with my prescription. The best part of Warby Parker? The price. For $95, you get a frame, AND prescription. See? sliced bread.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


came across this photo just now depicting the behind the scenes preparations for most, if not all, instagram photos. Reminded me a lot of a couple girlfriends of mine who painstakingly stage their photos. I'm not blaming them though. Even I confess to doing the same. I mean, who doesn't want people to think their life looks better than it actually is?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hello A.Wang

This will be my second item from Alexander Wang. The first being the white Jade wristlet clutch that I found in the back corner of a Barneys in Orlando. T by Alexander Wang is the go to brand for basic pieces. I had been looking at this mesh and cotton jersey online and low and behold, a few weeks after it was on sale at both net-a-porter and the outnet. I grabbed the piece and it arrived a couple of days later. I love how Alexander Wang can turn something so basic into a lust worthy staple. I cannot wait to wear this athletic inspired piece out soon as its getting more and more humid each day.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Disappointing thrift adventures

Pictures from the Hester Street Fair in LA(yes that is a Lobster Roll, and a Thai Tea FLOAT. I swear, so simple yet so delicious), Rose Bowl, and Swingers Restaurant.

For about a year, I've always looked longingly after my friends who frequented the monthly Rose Bowl Flea Market. I could never get a Sunday off from my part time job at Pop's Cafe since all my co-workers had church or other obligations. Last Sunday, I finally had the chance to get a day off since I was supposed to be on 'standby' for my interview in Atlanta. What I thought would be a day full of shopping led to a confusing and winding maze through the immense  amount of vendors that I had not been prepared for. After walking around for almost two hours in the crafts and antiques section with my cousin, I was finally able to locate the vintage clothing area. In the end, I ended up only buying one sweater for $5. Great deal, but I expected to leave with a lot more. I guess after a while, all the camo print and denim cut offs start looking the same. The selections weren't that great save for the few vendors that had handmade or diy-ed items that were well out of my budget. I guess the most exciting part of the Rose Bowl was seeing some of my favorite bloggers shop around and also running into some friends. I also got to see Onch..if anybody even knows who that is. Paris Hilton's bff anyone?
My cousin and I also went to the Melrose trading post to see if our luck was any better, but alas. Those darn denim cut offs plagued us everywhere we set our eyes. 


Been busy "studying" Japanese for the past couple of days since I've gotten back home from Atlanta. Regarding delta..lets just say..things are looking good. For now. Need to pass a couple of more tests, and ....well. We'll see. I don't want to get ahead of myself. In other news, I'm headed up to San Diego tomorrow to visit my friend Soojin. Its been 4+ years since she's gone to SD for school. It's also been 4+ years since she's nagged me to come visit her. Since its her last few months in SD as a student, I figured I should finally grace her with my presence (Sorry Sooj. Don't kill me ^^;). First stop will definitely have to be Phil's BBQ. I mean..just look at this. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

A long time coming

Finally. Tomorrow will be THE last day of my internship at the Look East Festival office. It's been a long time coming, and the event turned out greater than I expected it to. So and I put our blood, sweat, and tears into this festival for more than a month. Its crazy to think how far we've come since the first day at the office. Tomorrow will be bittersweet, but I am really looking forward to taking a break from the long commute to LA everyday. Here are some of the photos I managed to get from the festival (when I wasn't running around working), and some food from the one day that So and I got to hang out without worrying about getting back to the office on time. Oh, and a picture with Ahn Sung Ki, of course. Sad that I didn't get a picture of Lee Byung Hun on my nex, but I'll have to settle with the blurry one I have with him on my iphone.