Wednesday, September 26, 2012


yup. thass where i've been for the past few weeks last time I checked. I came here thinking it was gonna be difficult, but MAN. Its beyond that. A fellow trainee friend of mine compared it to boot camp last week. 6 days of the week. morning past dusk. Lectures all day and then practicing hands on in mock ups, followed by studying for hours every night for the test the following morning. This is my life. Can you see now, why I have not been able to update as I wished? The other day my mom sent me a package with some extra clothes and food, and included in the package was a small bottle of sunblock. YES mom. I REALLY DO NEED PROTECTION FROM THE SUN. especially since I haven't seen actual sunlight for the past 2 weeks. 

will update..well. you know. when I'm 'FREE'

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Yes. These photos are all I took at the 2NE1 concert that was weeks ago that I had free tickets to (YEYUH). I have been neglecting this blog. Again. But to be fair, I have been extremely busy saying my last goodbyes with friends and preparing for my flight attendant training. I am writing this post in my dorm room at the training center. After a long flight, I'm finally here in an unfamiliar state for the next seven weeks for FA training (aka boot camp). I hope I'll still be able to update about my stay here before I get swamped with studying city codes :) Now off to bed! Will be waking up bright and early tomorrow morning for orientation....followed by a yellow fever shot. YIKES